Monthly Archives: December 2015

As I embark on the road…

Sold my very first book yesterday. Honestly I am choked up. My dream of becoming an author was one filled with lots of struggle. The link is live at Smashwords, but the bigger deal is it being on amazon and several other independent publisher outlets. I have a couple more projects I am working on during 2016 and I hope they are even half as well received as Trajen is. If you haven’t checked out the sampler head on over to their site and peruse at your leisure Trajen The Loren


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Free Chapter Preview is up and ready for your reading pleasure. Feel free to drop a comment on what you think. Book will be available December 9th. Read the preview here



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I sit here tightening the bolts on my little project and it feels really similar to those first steps of my kids. It has taken on a life of its own. The Loren is real and I hope everyone is as excited to finally read it as I was to write it.


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