A Title…

What’s in a title? I guess I could call it whatever I want and for the most part people have to accept that. However, the titles I have decided on mean something, they may not be recognizable at first, but they have meaning. I guess if I had to write the title out it would have to be something that everyone would find easily identifiable, yet staying within the world created. Maybe I am going to use this time to just have the new title announced later this month with a fancy trailer for the Loren series as a whole…too much. I am just giving away too much. Then again I have been up all night writing and that causes you to be a little stir crazy. Sometimes writing sentences that have 7 commas in them, and almost never have a real noun. Oh well, hopefully someone will ask me what the new title is and I will look at them and say, “I don’t know, but I am sure Jentra has it in her mind to call it what she likes.”


P.S. Who is Jentra?


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