Category Archives: News and Updates

News, News, News and well not much more…

So I know I missed posting last week. I mean come on I have been writing at a feverish pace. Honestly, I have my hands in more pies than a baker in the morning. I am tightening my schedule up this weekend and hopefully will have a pretty little cover to show you of book 2. I am really excited about my two new characters in the book. I can’t say much, but girl power. Going to keep this short and sweet, suffice it to say I am going to leave without giving away too much news in this post. #trailer #book2 #Monet #Mal See I already said too much.


Filed under News and Updates

The Cooker…

Well I am on my way to working on some super secret sauce. Have no fear book 2 is well underway and without an official title. The format of this book I am really excited about, I hope everyone likes it. I am also happy to announce I will be working on an independent film with my son Devin Parker. This brings a little bit of moisture to my eyes. I mean I remember him trying to learn how to kick a ball. I am getting choked up thinking about it right now. More news to come on those fronts over the next week.

Let me also take this time to welcome aboard Ink & Paper Media for helping with some much needed exposure. You can find her group over here, Facebook: Ink & Paper Media and  Twitter

So let’s start 2016 off with a bang.

P.S. Yes, I know many people want to know about the physical copy edition. There will be more news to come on this front shortly, I haven’t forgotten about it.


Filed under News and Updates

As I embark on the road…

Sold my very first book yesterday. Honestly I am choked up. My dream of becoming an author was one filled with lots of struggle. The link is live at Smashwords, but the bigger deal is it being on amazon and several other independent publisher outlets. I have a couple more projects I am working on during 2016 and I hope they are even half as well received as Trajen is. If you haven’t checked out the sampler head on over to their site and peruse at your leisure Trajen The Loren


Filed under News and Updates


Free Chapter Preview is up and ready for your reading pleasure. Feel free to drop a comment on what you think. Book will be available December 9th. Read the preview here



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