Category Archives: Uncategorized

New Post…with very little information

Well, I would love to say I have been gone for the last several months hard at work, but that would be a fabrication of sorts. The truth is I have been hard at work on so many things, that I can’t speak about, which in turns seems like nothing of note. I would love to tell you that I am hard at work doing a small movie, however, the NDA I signed says I am unable to talk about it until the beginning of the new year so I won’t. I would love to tell you about the new series I am working on for a digital media streaming giant that can catch butterflies in a @$, alas I cannot speak about that either. I would love to tell you that I have been hard at work finally fixing the errors from Trajen and that a new version will be out two weeks before the release of Jentra. Silly me I can talk about that. You will see more information on that shortly. The website is in dire need of some help so in the next couple weeks you will see a lot of changes there as well. Last, but maybe not least I am ill. I know that sounds terrible, but I will be able to continue writing. I will however have to either quit writing stand-up or not tend bar anymore. You can decide which one on my Instagram #vehemencetrue. I will be mia for about two months from October to December, but I will be doing the audio versions of Trajen and Jentra at that time so it works out wonderfully.

That’s all for now.


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Well the series has taken a turn…

To say that I have way more information then I planned on would be an understatement. The second novel has taken on a life of its own and now has ballooned to almost 400 pages. However, have no fear I am not breaking this up into two books. Trust me I know some people that would. I am spending the next few weeks editing and adjusting some of the action beats. I will be posting an update at the end of next month to give a clearer idea of how close we are. I am reticent to actually give a time frame again, because I do not want to let anyone down…again :/




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New Series – Comic -Con/San Diego

Well if you are around San Diego in two weeks you can get a chance to hear about some really exciting news. However, I do know there’s been almost zero information over the last 6 months so let me let everyone know that book two has an official release date and that is September 27th. If you are in San Diego though, you can get your hands on a hard copy seven weeks early. I will be signing and handing out copies to a select few people.

I will try to be more proactive in posting, but man when you are working on two series the time seems to slip away from you. To be honest, a lot of the time I think I have posted information on the site, but I fall asleep at the computer.

Never stop dreaming. See you soon.



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What’s in a word?

So here we are at around 183,000 words later and I think I have finally hit my stride. I never intended to write a book twice as long as my first one, but that I have. I am spending the next few weeks massaging it to make sure I didn’t lose myself in the moment. I tried to flex my muscle a little bit in the creative vein. Let me know if you like it. I mean lets be honest, although many people said they have liked the first book in the series I have gotten at length the amount of errors found in it that should have been caught in the editing stages.  I am always open to hear from fans, authors or just people off the interweb.

So for now I am going to lay down and to sleep, because I am to put it lightly…beat.




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Look who’s coming to dinner soon…


I had to just drop this off before the holidays. The cover for the second book just finished and I wanted to share.




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I am alive…

I am hard at work on The Loren. I am also happy to say I am working on another project with some old times friends. More details coming by end of year. I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday season. I am going to spend the rest of the week getting an update to the cover for book 2. All in all very exciting stuff.




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Long time no talk…

…Ok so I let everyone down. I haven’t posted nearly as much as I thought I would. Work on the sequel to Trajen has been picking up steam, however I have also been pulled into my other work as well. Have no fear I am still working on book two as fast as my thoughts can get to paper (or on my computer) depending on how you want to look at it. I will reveal more information on additional projects as it gets closer to fruition.

I will be around at the San Diego Comic-Con more details to follow. I am also going to be in attendance at Gen Con in Indy so its going to be a crazy reunion for some long time friends I haven’t seen in years.



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Nothing to see here…

…move along. Seems that the titles have been updated. It would also be a nice time to take a look at Amazon and go check out the physical version of the book. I think there might be some bonus material for some lucky fans.



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Did someone say physical?

Yes, they are coming, as a matter of fact they will be here soon. Stay tuned for March 9th to see the big reveal. I know I am being cryptic, but I was told to keep my mouth shut until the 9th.  I am also going to be doing some local book signings next month, stay tuned for the schedule next week. So if you are in Las Vegas or Southern California and would like to have me come do a reading/signing at your local book store drop me a line.




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A Title…

What’s in a title? I guess I could call it whatever I want and for the most part people have to accept that. However, the titles I have decided on mean something, they may not be recognizable at first, but they have meaning. I guess if I had to write the title out it would have to be something that everyone would find easily identifiable, yet staying within the world created. Maybe I am going to use this time to just have the new title announced later this month with a fancy trailer for the Loren series as a whole…too much. I am just giving away too much. Then again I have been up all night writing and that causes you to be a little stir crazy. Sometimes writing sentences that have 7 commas in them, and almost never have a real noun. Oh well, hopefully someone will ask me what the new title is and I will look at them and say, “I don’t know, but I am sure Jentra has it in her mind to call it what she likes.”


P.S. Who is Jentra?


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